Growing older is not for sissies. Bette Davis once said something to that effect and for good reason. Along with all the wisdom you acquire with age, memory is a bit of a different story. Losing your memory can make you lose your mind, so here are some useful tips to help keep your memory in tact and your brain sharp.
Keep your mind active
Once in a while, try learning something completely new. It could be a musical instrument, how to use a camera, a new language, or take up a challenging new hobby—according to an article by the Huffington Post, theoretical reasons and animal studies claim that learning something outside of your regular range of knowledge can increase the level of brain growth and increase connections in the brain.
Utilize all of your senses
Studies have shown that using all your senses can help retain your memory. Harvard Health Publications suggests that one particular study presented adults with a series of emotionally neutral images along with a smell as well as images without the odours. The adults recalled the images accompanied by odours (especially the pleasant ones) more easily than the plain images. The reason for this is that brain imaging signified that the brain’s main odour-processing region of the brain, called the piriform cortex, became active when people saw the same images again even without the odours that were originally present. So, make sure to take everything in!
Eat brain-boosting super foods
Foods that are rich in antioxidants like blueberries and other berries are important for brain sharpening. Studies suggest that blueberries may help lower inflammation and protect cells from damage and they also contain many minerals and vitamins that help strengthen the immune system. Additionally, they are made up of major phytochemicals that may protect against heart disease and cancer. Don’t forget about fish, seeds, and nuts, which are full of healthy fats that help protect the brain.
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