While we can’t avoid all health problems that may come our way, some research suggests that including certain foods in your diet can go a long way in terms of preventing cancer in the body. Adding extra fruits and vegetables, sufficient amounts of fiber, cutting down on red meats, fats, poorly prepared foods, and choosing lean meats, healthy fats, and healthy preparations instead, is a great way to modify your diet and improve your health overall. While these seven foods might work wonders in preventing cancer, they will surely contribute to a healthy diet, and they’re delicious. Who could say no?

Photo by CJansuebsri/Shutterstock
Garlic not only tastes great, but contains sulfur compounds that support the immune system, and naturally defend the body from cancer. Some even speculate that garlic might have the potential to reduce the growth of tumours. Studies suggest that the garlic can have positive effects in preventing cases of stomach cancer, so why not add some extra garlic wherever you can?

Photo by Elena Shashkina/Shutterstock
Though it’s likely there’s someone in your household whose bound to complain, serving broccoli frequently can do wonders. Steam it, eat it raw, or add it to soups, salads, pastas, or casseroles, but be careful not to microwave it (no matter how tempting that quick meal may be…). A study in Spain found that 97% of cancer-protective flavonoids are destroyed when you zap it.
Brazil Nuts

Photo by Africa Studio/Shutterstock
Brazil Nuts are rich in selenium, a mineral that coaxes cancer cells to self-destruct, and assists your cells in repairing its DNA. A five year study at Cornell University and the University of Arizona found that 200 micrograms of selenium taken daily (that’s two unshelled Brazil nuts) resulted in fewer prostate tumours, colorectal cancers, lung malignancies, and an overall decrease in deaths by cancer. That’s nuts!
Fresh lemons and limes

Photo courtesy of Africa Studio/Shutterstock
According to researchers in Australia, a daily serving of citrus fruits—whether in salads, desserts, drinks, or added as a slice in a glass of water—is known to cut risks of mouth, throat, and stomach cancers in half. If you’re a lemonade fan, drink up, but watch the sugar!

Photo by Sunny Forest/Shutterstock
You’ve probably heard that blueberries are rich in antioxidants—it’s a buzzword that gets tossed around a lot. But what does that mean? Antioxidants neutralize “free radicals” in our bodies; unstable compounds that damage cells and lead to diseases. Throw some blueberries in your morning cereal (hot or cold), in a smoothie, in yogurt, in a salad, or just by the handful.

Photo by Fotosenmeer/Shutterstock
Lucky for (many of) us, tomatoes will soon be in season in all their red, ripe, juicy glory. Their bright red hue comes from a phytochemical called lycopene, another powerful antioxidant that is most concentrated in tomatoes, but can also be found in watermelon, pink grapefruit, or red peppers. In lab tests, the chemical has stopped cancer cells from growing, including cancers of the breast, lung, and endometrial (uterine lining).

Photo by pilipphoto/Shutterstock
Strawberries are warriors in the world of healthy food: they protect against heart disease, memory decline, and cancer, making them a killer choice in a healthy diet. They’re not only a deliciously in-season summer treat, but are rich in antioxidants like Vitamin C, ellagic acid, and flavonoids—all compounds with profound anti-cancer properties. Recent research shows that berry extracts from strawberries and blackberries have a profound impact on colon cancer cells.
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