On Friday, a Canadian woman named Krista shared a tweet confessing that she did not love poutine. While many would expect such a revelation to be met with ridicule and scorn, Canadians across the country rallied around Krsita, drawing inspiration from her tweet. Soon, other Canucks started confessing their own secret opinions about Canadian culture, tagging their tweets with the hashtag #ImABadCanadianBecause.
Over the course of a few days some patterns began to emerge. Here were some of the most popular unpopular opinions.
Some people admitted that they are not actually hockey fans (or maybe just not Don Cherry fans):
When I hear the music for Coach's Corner, I change the channel. #ImABadCanadianBecause pic.twitter.com/Vuza57PDsi
— Desmond Cole (@DesmondCole) January 16, 2016
#ImABadCanadianBecause I don't give AF about hockey
— John Catucci (@johncatucci) January 16, 2016
Many expressed concerning opinions about Canadian music:
#ImABadCanadianBecause I think the Tragically Hip are overrated.
— The Towel Boy (@TheTowelBoy) January 15, 2016
#ImABadCanadianBecause I don't like RUSH
— Jax 🙂 (@jfeliciao) January 15, 2016
#ImaBadCanadianBecause I think Nickelback is decent.
— Shan Abbasi (@nightscrabbler) January 15, 2016
Some confessed that they had fallen prey to American culture:
#ImABadCanadianBecause sometimes I'll accidentally say Zee instead of Zed and immediately feel shame.
— Pretty Cold (@Pretty__G) January 15, 2016
A shocking amount of citizens disparaged the national cuisine:
#ImABadCanadianBecause I really do not care for Canadian Bacon.
— 7 mil Matt (@mattrohrbacher) January 15, 2016
#ImABadCanadianBecause I don't drink @TimHortons coffee and think maple anything is gross
— Kevin (@IamDadtoThem) January 15, 2016
#ImABadCanadianBecause I don't like Swiss Chalet dipping sauce or The Tragically Hip.
— lynne f mccombes (@skinneresque) January 16, 2016
#ImABadCanadianBecause I think Molson beer tastes like toilet water.
— MrsLethal (@MrsLethal) January 16, 2016
#ImABadCanadianBecause I don't tie my national identity to a low quality coffee chain.
— karen cookson (@cooxon) January 16, 2016
A few had forgotten to reinforce national pride by making fun of Americans:
#ImABadCanadianBecause I haven't rubbed free health care in an Americans face in like 3 weeks.
— Andy (@_rallycap) January 16, 2016
And some had taken things too far:
#ImABadCanadianBecause I told an American friend that we had trained attack beavers at the border, and to never leave the car at night.
— Kelly Evans (@ChaucerBabe) January 16, 2016
#ImABadCanadianBecause I once told an American friend about our eskimo president Nanook and our national dog sled team, and she believed it!
— Christian Fletcher (@Darth_Pingu) January 16, 2016
Unsurprisingly, there was a lot of concern over when to say “sorry”:
#ImABadCanadianBecause I forgot to say "sorry" once, after someone bumped into me.
— Mike Gulseth (@mikegulseth) January 15, 2016
#ImABadCanadianBecause I don't always say "sorry" Wait, I do. I'm sorry.
— Krista (@Kage_99) January 15, 2016
#ImABadCanadianBecause I'm not sorry, and I'm not sorry that I'm not sorry
— Doctor B (@BrainiacB) January 16, 2016
Also on RNR: