In a real-life-fairytale turn of events, a group of abandoned cottages deep in the woods of Finland have become home to the animals they once displaced.
Enchanted by the reclamation he witnessed in the derelict cabins surrounding his summer home, photographer Kai Fagerström documented the animals in a photo series he calls
“The House in the Woods.”
“I am fascinated by the way nature reclaims spaces that were, essentially, only ever on loan to humans,”
Kai says.
The series, which is set to become a book published in Finnish, German, and English, depicts foxes, raccoons, squirrels, owls, and badgers as they make themselves at home in a desolate cabin.
If you’ve ever wondered what would become of your cottage or home in the absence of you and your family, the photos below should give you an eerie reassurance that it will still be put to good use.